I have been receiving a lot of inquiries over SMS, email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, through my blog and even personally on places to go near Metro Manila that are ideal for a quick getaways. So …
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Corregidor Island Lighthouse (Faro dela Isla de Corregidor)

The Island of Corregidor has a vibrant yet tragic past. With its strategic location at the entrance of Manila Bay, it serves mainly as a fortress of defense to protect Manila since the Spanish era. …
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Corregidor Island Cavite [nggallery id=13 template=galleryview images=0] The island of Corregidor holds countless secrets that only the ruins could probably know. But there are stories, previously untold and now declassified, that will surely pique our …
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At times, in search for new horizons, we tend to overlook the places that are well within our reach in a hope of finding new treasures in places beyond our sights can easily see. Such …
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Corregidor Island Cavite On the 29th day of December 1941, the Japanese forces bombed the island of Corregidor and one of the heavily damaged structures was its hospital. It was despite the fact that the …
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