Introducing Jomalig Island Jomalig Island is an isolated paradise in the easternmost part of Polilio Group. Pronounced as “humalig”, Jomalig is an island municipality of Quezon Province. Locals of the island are called “Jomaligins” and …
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Jomalig: The Golden Spot of Quezon Province

Fronting the vast water of the Philippine Sea is the farthermost island of Polilio Group in Quezon Province, a town enveloped by quaintness and simplicity – Jomalig. An island municipality surrounded by unique golden shores …
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The Philippines is well known for its beautiful beaches. Being a country made up of islands and having one of the longest coastlines in the world, it is no surprise that its coast will definitely …
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Jomalig Island Quezon Province [nggallery id=16 template=galleryview images=0] It was in 2008 when I first visited Jomalig Island and yet her golden soil still haunts me as if it was just yesterday. Six long years and counting …
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