In your life as a traveler, there will come a time that you will have to travel alone. The thought of it can be frightening specially if you are doing it for the very first …
Continue readingTag: malapascua
Malapascua Travel Guide: Diving, Beaches, Lighthouse & More

Hello, Malapascua! For years, Malapascua Island has become a haven for scuba divers aiming to have an encounter with the Thresher Sharks. The island has been synonymous to this species of shark since it is …
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The Philippines, being an archipelagic country surrounded by various bodies of water, is home to a diverse and vivid underwater word. In fact, our entire country lies in Coral Triangle, the global center of marine biodiversity. With the Philippines on its core, we are on the center of world’s marine biodiversity.
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Malapascua Island Northern Cebu [nggallery id=38 template=galleryview images=0] Malapascua is the northernmost inhabited island of Cebu in Central Visayas, a small tropical island surrounded by blue water teeming with vivid marine life and best known …
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It is already half of the first month of the new year and only few weeks before summer but how’s your bucket list for this year going so far? Are you done contemplating which places …
Continue readingScuba Diving in Malapascua: Surreal Close Encounter with Sharks

After almost three years since our first dive trip in Malapascua, my dive buddy Ate Claudia and I were back to the island to try our luck, once more, to see the Thresher Sharks of …
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