Merely six hours of land travel from Manila and you will be transported to Maniwaya Island, Marinduque’s prime beach destination. Situated off the coast of the town of Santa Cruz on the eastern part of …
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Marinduque Travel Guide: Journey to the Heart of the Philippines

Dubbed as the “Heart of the Philippines,” the province of Marinduque is ready to welcome everyone like kings and queens! Marinduque is a heart-shaped island in Southern Tagalog. Coincidentally, the island is also the geographical …
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Dubbed as the heart of the Philippines, Marinduque Province is the geographical center of the Philippine Archipelago. This is made official by the Luzon Datum which serves as reference point of all maps of the …
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Moriones Festival, one of the most awaited and colorful festivals in the country, is all set this holy week in the province of Marinduque. Moriones, from the word “morion” means mask, to which the festival …
Continue reading2012 in Retrospect: ‘Twas a Blast

And just like that, it is almost February. But before I continue blogging the whats of my 2013, I guess it is only fitting to give closure to 2012 by looking back to the highlights …
Continue readingMarinduque: Luzon Datum of 1911

The province of Marinduque, dubbed as the “Heart of the Philippines”, is a heart-shaped island in the Southern Tagalog Region. Coincidentally, the island is also the geographical center of the archipelago and a stone marker …
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